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Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Reach out and a member of our team will get back to you ASAP.
How does the service work?We make it easy! All you have to do is schedule an appointment and we will send you a reminder email 24 hours before your scheduled service. We ask you to please lock up all animals before arrival and to clear the area around your dryer. One of our technicians will arrive at your scheduled time and leave you fire ready!
What is included with the $199 service charge?The service includes one dryer vent cleaning, functionally testing your first 5 smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, checking all of your GFCI outlets, and providing a brand new fire extinguisher. **If there are more than 5 detectors, there will be an additional $5 charge per unit.
How long does the service take and do I need to be home?Yes, you will need to be home as part of our service includes educating you and your family. Service time depends on the size of your home but we estimate at least an hour to make sure we can answer all of your questions.
What form of payments do you take?Payment is due at the end of service. We accept cash, check or credit card.
What precautions are your technicians taking with COVID?Our technicians will have their temperatures checked daily, and will come wearing a face mask, gloves and shoe covers to protect you and your family. They will sanitize any work stations and can provide a contactless payment transaction. If you or anyone in your household have any symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19, we ask you to reschedule to a later date.
What is the cancellation policy?We value and respect our technicians’ schedules. So, we ask that you please respect them, too. If you cancel within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment there will be no cancellation fee. If you cancel 24 hours or less before your scheduled appointment, there will be a $20 cancellation fee.
What if I have pets in the house?We love our furry friends, too! However, in the interest of safety for your pets and our technicians, we ask that you please keep your pets in a separate space for the duration of the service visit.
Do you provide fire extinguisher training?Absolutely! Please reach out or ask your technician and we can have a training setup for you.
Do you provide any other fire safety products?Yes, our technicians are equipped with many other fire safety products. They can discuss more options with you during the initial service visit
Are you working with fire departments?Yes, we are currently working with local fire departments to make sure we are leaving no stone unturned.
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